This weekend rolled the end of the great U.S. Open of Surfing. ASP Prime Cup, which brings together the best surfers in the world vying for a big prize. Huntington Beach, Calif., was the scene of this huge party. Yadin Nicol was the athlete with the best performance Hurley - vice champion. Accounted for Hurley, brasuca Miguel Pupo, Evan Geiselman, Conner Coffin, Brett Simpson (bi champion last year), Ace Buchan.
It happened between 5 and 7 August the initial stage of Ubatuba Pro Surf Circuit, in Praia Grande and is considered the largest city in the country circuit. The athlete Hurley / Sunpeak Diego Aguiar was featured category Petit (10 years). With only eight years, the prodigy of the family Aguiar, was runner-up and showed a lot of improvement in your surfing.
From 19 to 21 August, several athletes in surfing, with up to 21 years, will attend the Hurley Pro Junior, the waves of Prainha, also called Praia da Saudade in South San Francisco The competition is the penultimate stage of the Selective Pro Junior that will put an athlete closer to a place in the world of Australia.
From 19 to 21 August, several athletes in surfing, with up to 21 years, will attend the Hurley Pro Junior, the waves of Prainha, also called Praia da Saudade in South San Francisco The competition is the penultimate stage of the Selective Pro Junior that will put an athlete closer to a place in the world of Australia.
4. CAMPEONATO REÚNE TALENTOS DO SURFE E DIMINUI CAMINHO ATÉ O MUNDIAL NA AUSTRÁLIA De 19 a 21 de agosto, diversos atletas do surfe, com até 21 anos, participarão do Hurley Pro Junior, nas ondas da Prainha, também chamada de Praia da Saudade em São Francisco do Sul. A competição é a penúltima etapa da Seletiva Pro Junior que colocará um dos atletas mais próximo de uma vaga no mundial da Austrália.
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